2011년 7월 13일 수요일

When it comes to North Korea

When it comes to North Korea

 There are different opinions about whether we should aid the North Koreans or not. I strongly support the idea of aiding North Korean that we should not. The reasons for my arguments are that the assistance to the North part of Korea peninsula does not seem to be effective and the support policy came out to be failed.
 Topic play a vital role in assisting to the government of North Korea. We, however, are realizing that the South Korea governments plans to placate Kim-Jung-Il not to attack Souths territory have failed. To exemplify what I mean, Cheonan warships sinking can be symbolized example. In this regard, the conciliation to the North does not seem to work anymore because the interaction between both South and North have frozen after the Lee-Mung-Baks regime got under sale.
  Furthermore, since the new government in South, The Republic of Korea, was formed and the president of South Korea, Lee-Mung-Bak, was a conservative character from a conservative party who changed all the policies from the prior power. In this context, it might have been a great shock to the North Authority because the supporting from the South decrease rapidly than it was usual in the past. Hence, Kim-Jung-Il needed a compelling way to earn more foodstuffs from the South Korea,
  To conclude, The North committed an unforgivable crime to the South Korea citizens. These are a betrayal of our help and goodwill. So, we must show them to pay a harsh cost to never trespass our domain again. Also, the buttress to the North must be, once more, considered.

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