2011년 7월 2일 토요일

An invention.

An invention

There are lots of trouble with power strip generally used. First of all, it possibly causes a tragic accident, because of the reason to be touched with ease, especially by children. The second, there can be waste of electric energy when it is pluged in with lots of electric goods.
To make up for these trouble, power strip with switch was invented. However, To use it, you have to set it on every each time. The appearance of it is also plain.
So, My idea for power strip to make better, is to design an electric cord of power strip to be shifted up and down. then you can use it with shift up, and use it not with shift down.
You will see all the trouble disappear with this way.

댓글 2개:

  1. It's a nice one, I will buy it. How much is that? lol

  2. I'm sorry, but I don't understand how it works and how it's different from a normal powercord. Can you explain again?
