The design of Seoul
Design is one of the most important factors of city’s competition.
There are a lot of beautiful city of the world’s famous cities. For example, there are Paris, Sidney, Shanghai, Hong cong, New York, Tokyo and so on. Therefore, we have to try to improve competition of city through city’s design.First of all, I think Seoul design exhibition is good chance to inform us to other county. This aim is to promote the outstanding design of Seoul. The selected exhibits represent Seoul’s history of 600 years and identity and highlight the significance of design.
Second, citizen’s consciousness is very important about design of Seoul. We have to have a lot of interests with regard to design. Government will lead to policy of design however if we don’t have interests about this, this policy doesn’t last for a long time. That’s why consciousness is important.
Third, I think we have to reject conformity and value diversity. The conformity might feel us simple and regular beautiful. But we will become very pale soon. Therefore, we have to focus on valuing diversity in order to improve design’s quality. That’s what we are pursuing.
Finally, we are trying to make progress toward their goal. Seoul is our capital and our boasting. Moreover, Seoul is Korea’s face. The design of Seoul will be our competition. I am sure.
Thank you for reading this.
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